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FERI (Luxembourg) S.A.

T +352 270448-0
F +352 270448-729

18, Boulevard de la Foire
L-1528 Luxembourg

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FERI (Luxembourg) S.A.

+352 270448-0
+352 270448-729

L-1528 Luxembourg
18, Boulevard de la Foire

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Welcome to FERI (Luxembourg) S.A.

FERI (Luxembourg) S.A.

FERI (Luxembourg) S.A. (hereinafter referred to as ‘FLX’) was founded in 2007 and is a subsidiary of FERI, Bad Homburg, based in Luxembourg - the largest European fund market and the second largest fund market in the world. FERI (Luxembourg) S.A is the fund management company of the FERI Group and manages a double-digit billion Euro amount of assets. It is supervised by the Luxembourgian financial services authority “Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier” (CSSF).

About the FERI Group

Founded in 1987 and headquartered in Bad Homburg, Germany, the FERI Group has developed into one of the leading investment houses in German-speaking Europe. FERI offers tailor-made solutions for institutional investors, family assets and trusts in the following areas:

  • Investment Management: institutional asset management and private wealth management
  • Investment Consulting: advisory service for institutional investors and family offices
  • Investment Research: macroeconomic forecasts and asset allocation analyses

The FERI Cognitive Finance Institute was formed in 2016. It is the strategic research centre and creative think tank of the FERI Group. The Institute focuses on innovative analyses and the development of methods for long-term oriented economic and capital market research.

FERI Group and MLP currently manage assets of approx. EUR 59 billion, including around EUR 18 billion in alternative investments. The FERI Group is headquartered in Bad Homburg and has locations in Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Munich, Luxembourg, Vienna and Zurich.

Latest News of the FERI Group

Our Services

Duties of a Management Company

The primary responsibilities of a management company essentially comprise the entire administration of the funds managed by it. These include, for example, the setup and amendment of funds, the preparation and maintenance of sales prospectuses and management regulations, the conduct of approval procedures for the countries in which it operates as well as the preparation of annual and semi-annual reports. In addition, a management company is responsible for central management and fund accounting, for the transfer agent function, for investment management, for risk management and for sales.

The management company may outsource these tasks to different specialist providers to increase efficiency. The management company coordinates the mandated service providers and interacts in this role with custodian banks, auditors and regulators etc. 

FERI (Luxembourg) S.A. works exclusively with experienced, highly specialised service providers, thereby ensuring that private and institutional investors are at all times offered customised investment solutions as well as all major fund types and investment vehicles available and that these are managed professionally.

Fund Structuring and Setup Process

FERI (Luxembourg) S.A. coordinates the entire fund structuring and setup process. This includes first and foremost the choice of a product structure that is suitable for the particular investment strategy and investor requirements, the selection of the best business partners, the creation of all documents and contracts relevant to fund approval and the handling of the entire approval process.

Management of All Major Fund Types and Investment Vehicles

FERI (Luxembourg) S.A. provides suitable product structures for all major investment strategies, ranging from traditional to alternative investments. The structuring may be either as UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities), as UCI (Undertakings for Collective Investment) or as AIF (Alternativ Investment Fund) in various legal structures.

Fund types available are those defined by the law of December 17th, 2010 as so-called Part I and/or Part II funds or by the law of February 13th, 2007 as FIS funds (Fonds d’Investissement Spécialisées) they may be set up either as FCP (Fonds Commun de Placement) or as non-self-managed SICAV (Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable). For all funds, there is the further possibility of a single or an umbrella structure with sub-funds and share classes.

The law of June 15th, 2004 also allows for investment vehicles to be set up via the investment company in risk capital (SICAR Société en Capital à Risque d`Investissement) in various legal forms. Here too, there is the possibility for a single or umbrella structure.

In addition, under the license of the law of July 12th, 2013 on alternative investment fund managers we are able to set out the full range of alternative investments, either in assets with high liquidity or typical assets like private equity, real estate and/or hedge funds.

Furthermore, it is possible to manage Luxembourgian and/or foreign alternative Investment funds (including all duties for trust managers of alternative investment funds by the law of July 12th, 2013, see Annex 1), which can be either established in an individual or umbrella structure.